Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Story Related to The Tradition of Building The Mountain Of Rice

1:02 AM

The ceremony to build the mountain of rice Is celebrated in the lunar month of Mick. Phalkun or in the early of the lunar month of Chet when the harvest season is over. The people hold this ceremony to provide the Buddhist monks with the four requisites such as food, clothing, bedding and medicine they have bought with the money they have raised among themselves to buy those necessities for the Buddhist monks. This ceremony to build the mountain of rice is normally held in a pagoda, in from of Buddhist temple. Sometimes they hold it for three Day and sometimes for seven days according to circumstances and the People's generosity. The ceremony is over, the pagoda priest who is in charge 0f the pagoda's affairs will tell some of the my devotees to move the rice which they have built into a mountain to keep It in the pagoda’s warehouse. They never see this ceremony held from the first day of the waning moon in the lunar month of Chet. There was a story telling about a woman called Neang Nork and a man called Kalok Bandith, both related to the ceremony to build the mountain of rice which is summarized as follows: Once there were a man who went by the name of Kalok Bandith and a woman called Neang Nuok living in the same village. When they were children, these two people always played with each other. one day, these two people talked about their future and intention. Kalok Bandith said: "Neang Nuok! The girl who will be my wife must obey me as a good wife. When I go to bathe in the river, she must carry my


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